Sunday, April 12, 2015

Managing your Karma... should we ? or leave it?

The moment the phrase Karma Management is uttered, the idea of "struggle" automatically creeps in. Why ? Probably whenever something needs to be managed, either it's a crisis or a situation which can turn into crisis. Thus, it begins with a critical situation or atleast an idea of it. what is the solution? Is it better to live the Karma or manage it? Well, to each his/her own.

There can't be a straight answer to it. Like for Alvira, a high spirited enthusiastic not so young woman got her karma of a loyal partner so she happily accepted it and "lived the karma". On the other hand, the loyal partner showing not much interest in planning the future or discussing the routine mundane things can be a pain. So she chose to "manage this karma". Will that be easy?
Again the word "easy" would mean different to different persons. Alvira has had a very interesting (full of twists & turns) life till her current age of 39 years, so difficult has left her dictionary long back and she didn't even realize that herself.  So she has the experience to "manage the karma"  but does she have the "fuel" to do so further ? Only the consequences of her current deeds will show that in the near and later future. So far she has managed the inherited Karma all her life. In the first 25 years she did it unknowingly to varying degrees but 26th year onward she gained enough experience to command her life the way she desired but again fell into the Karmic dig at the 31st year. Made the karmic mistakes and continued for next 6-7 years losing and regaining hope. She had the awareness always though about the glitches which is why she regained her strength back and managed the Karma again just due to her inner strength (resultant of self motivation and immense meditation).

So till now she has been doing fine. Created a life which she doesn't have written in her horoscope. Has changed most of it. But all this constant working to bring changes has somewhere ripped her off of her unquestioning faith. She has lost all contact with the external God. All she knows now a God, an energy of creation in her own self. Secretly, she has told herself "you are your own God, no other God is coming to your rescue. So stop wasting your time in waiting for things to happen, just make them happen." With this thought process, it's unlikely she would stop "managing her karma" at any point. Yes as this is true that she would 'continue', that's true too that all the situations and people around her in her paradigm can't remain the same. They will 'change' or they will change. All she needs is to bring herself to terms with this reality that some people who are with her today, may not be there with her in recent future. This knowingness holds her back sometimes. In earlier years she moved on with pain and a prolonged pain. But now owing to her experience in the ascended understanding of the process of evolution, she chooses on her own, when to stay and when to quit. All the karmic pain is her 'conscious and informed choice'. She is in the process of managing a karma (read preparing herself to make a choice) which may change many equations around her. In her short span, she has lived 4 lives already and resolved all the karma from those lives. Now the moment she steps up, many near and dear ones won't be there in the vicinity. They will live in the illusion though that they are there in her life. But she is aware fully what would entail what.

Sometimes 'knowing' can be a pain but it's always a gain. A person like Alvira won't stay hidden or lack-lustre for long. She will choose to shine soon as that's how she is cut out. There's no other way her soul, all her cells, her consciousness and her total being knows. The moment she breaks free from the current choice of being a home-maker just for the want of being reciprocated. It will be a different life. The life she is just choosing to delay. All her efforts are to take her people (ones she loves dearly even at the soul level) along but she won't be able to wait much longer as soon either they would have to make the choice of understanding and reforming or they will lose touch with her. Her sheen is gonna be so bright that one would require to be as clean, as pure, as ready, as flexible, as loving, as kind as her. Or else, they won't be there simply. She can see it that's why she is choosing to give them all more time.

Alvira has carved out the plan completely to the last day of this sojourn till the cross over and beyond. She is lovingly going through the turmoils as she is staying in the dense energy of Pain and suffering to help them all to cross over and manage their karma faster and enjoy limitless bliss and abundance. Looking closely, one can see she has played a role of guide to so many already and doing hand holding even now. Is it karma? No and Yes both. No as this not inherited. Yes as this is her current choice.

This darlin self realized godly being (not showing off as one though) is surely arrived. She deserves to move beyond this pain undoubtedly. May God send light and clarity of knowingness to all those for whom Alvira has chosen to delay her growth. Amen!

Upto everyone, whether they manage one life or many...Alvira is equipped to manage them all in one and how. Kudos!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Couple Equation (+/-)

hi...just wondering how a couple who have just started their journey gets absorbed in the Group consciousness of 'how to put their spouse down". One verbal volley after the other...hitting like a seasoned hunter (read a long time husband/wife) proves how the primitive thought processes/hidden genetic coding or else just the need of "conforming to the societal norms" that wives are the punishing souls and husbands are forever the punished and victimised ones.

I am surprised to see people who end up living their entire 2/3rd of their lives with persons they detest all the time in public or in their heart or both. I am completely at un-ease due to this today.

Why can't people just be the real they are...? Why do they need to put down their wives to enjoy the centre stage in a group familial or friendly? Even the persons who are generally happy with their respective partners, noticed they too start recounting all those "incidents when their lives turned hellish due to the monster called wife in their life" ... Fair! They have a problem...they are sharing and venting out their pain. Accepted! 

In that case, I just wish to know when and where will they ever find the place & time to admire their monstrous wives for the little good they have brought to their lives. (I do not wish to express the lop sided view that only husbands do this. Wives also do it but the % ratio is 80-20) So today focusing on the 80% i.e. the husbands badmouthing about their wives' misdemeanour, bad cooking, mood swings, anger bouts which can be actually (generally) counted against all those moments when she nursed you having sleepless nights, forego her sweet morning sleep to align a routine for you and your family, avoiding herself in the priority list willingly, forgetting to do things which were a part of her life, organising events for you, entertaining guests according to your whims, carrying out your instruction manual, taking your unwaranted criticism all the time.

Why on earth do you feel that you have the right to publically announce all the dirty incidents between the two of you putting all the blame on her. She put more chillies and you (the poor and helpless one) had it without complaining... Did u have any shame doing so...nopes... you take pride in doing so in public. If you are so enthusiastic to share things publically...learn to share the good things too, the value added to your life with your wife, learn to APPRECIATE too for the numerous goodies in your respective wives with details as you do while criticising her for her monsterous side.

The more you speak and think of the Sorry moments (to which both of you contributed), the more sick you or any member of your family would be. Lies have the energy of destruction. Appreciation & Love constructs.

Make or Break. It's in your hand. Want to make a difference? Make a contribution and be real instead of just being a regular guy... have the courage to raise your head before all the men (your so called friends or relatives) and have the courage to appreciate your spouse. You may feel like a odd man out for a while. But you will save and be a source of giving a happier marital life for yourself and your audience too. As this small act of genuinely praising your partner will not just strengthen your bond with your own partner rather you will be an example to others that "it's ok to appreciate and admire your spouse" in public instead of demeaning them so prudely and realize their worth and value in their life and be proud to acknowledge that in public.

Health of a relationship depends a lot on mutual respect and genuine regard which is obviously missing if you are embarrassed of  being with the person you are living with. Know your partner well and then you may not have reasons to despise them. Just don;t fall prey to the societal ways. Be urself, be kind and truthful.